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Can light melt atoms into goo?

The ATLAS experiment at CERN sees possible evidence of quark-gluon plasma production during collisions between photons and heavy nuclei inside the Large Hadron Collider.


The search for the sterile neutrino

Back when it was theorized, scientists weren’t sure they would ever detect the neutrino; now they’re searching for a version of the particle that could be even more elusive.


Changing a name without forfeiting credit

A group of US national laboratories, publishers, journals and other organizations is making it easier for researchers to update their names on past publications.


How to be human in physics

Four physicists share their experiences dealing with major setbacks, trauma, mental health issues and toxic work environments.


Blink and it’s gone

Fast electronics and artificial intelligence are helping physicists capture data and decide what to keep and what to throw away.


The odd(eron) couple

Scientists discovered a new particle by comparing data recorded at the LHC and the Tevatron.


What is a photon?

The fundamental particle of light is both ordinary and full of surprises.


The Golden Particles

Symmetry writer Lauren Biron won Fermilab’s 2021 Virtual Physics Slam by hosting an award show with a physics theme.


The other particle detector

When studying mysterious subatomic particles, researchers use a different kind of particle detector to prevent run-of-the-mill dust particles from getting in the way.


A strong force for inclusion

Elena Long’s search for community as a trans scientist put her at the forefront of LGBT+ advocacy in physics.