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New issue of symmetry available

DZero cover for the March 2009 issue of symmetry.

DZero cover for the March 2009 issue of symmetry.

CDF cover for the March 2009 issue of symmetry.

CDF cover for the March 2009 issue of symmetry.

The latest issue of symmetry (with two alternative covers) is now available online. It features the five-year-old "result of the week" column in Fermilab Today, showing the continual progress in accelerator-based particle physics in the United States. Feature articles also cover how cosmic rays are being used as tools for understanding and predicting weather and climate, and the hunt for rare isotopes using the technique of "fast-beam fragmentation."

Read about a lighter approach to science in an essay by science comedian Brian Malow and the popular Piled Higher and Deeper comics by Jorge Cham, showing the world of the Large Hadron Collider and CERN from a graduate student's perspective.

Those of you who have a connection, affiliation, or preference for either the CDF or DZero experiments at Fermilab will be pleased to know that you can choose to view the issue online with the theme based on either the CDF or DZero covers. Choose which you want with the links at the top of the page on your first visit. Otherwise, you'll get a random choice of cover. (Or should I say pseudo-random after reading Calla's piece on the Hotbits Web site in symmetry breaking yesterday?!)

Enjoy the new issue online and let us know what you think via Print subscribers will be receiving copies of the issue soon, once they filter through the mail system.