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Thursday: Chat with physicists on Twitter

Image courtesy of id-iom via a Creative Commons License.

Thursday at 1 p.m. EDT, accelerator physicists from three national laboratories will take to Twitter to discuss discovery science with the tweeting public. To take part in the event, dubbed Lab Breakthrough Office Hours, use the hashtag #labchat.

The Office Hours tweetchat is part of the Lab Breakthrough video series, which highlights the technological feats accomplished in fundamental and applied research.

Meet the physicists

Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory’s associate director for accelerators, Stuart Henderson, will be tweeting from @FermilabToday. Henderson can answer questions about science at Fermilab, the subatomic workings of the universe or his 20 years of accelerator work at Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Cornell and Yale.

Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility scientists Gianluigi Ciovati and Pashupati Dhakal will be tweeting from @JBLAB. Ciovati and Dhakal can answer questions about how accelerators work and how they are used. They also volunteer to explain absolutely anything about the element niobium.

SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory scientist Bill Schlotter will be tweeting from @SLACLab. Schlotter will be able to answer questions about SLAC's large instruments that examine the infinitesimal, including the Linac Coherent Light Source, which captures images at the atomic level with a "shutter speed" measured in trillionths of a second.

Can’t make it to the tweetchat? You can still submit questions beforehand to #labchat in a tweet or send them via email or Facebook to the Department of Energy.

Read Q&As with other Lab Breakthroughs researchers on the topic page, or see the full video series on the Lab Breakthrough YouTube playlist.